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JAG KY Student Leaders

Our exceptional student leaders are an inspiring group of young individuals who exemplify the core values of leadership, preparedness, and dedication. Representing schools from across the Commonwealth, these officers are at the forefront of our mission to empower the next generation. As ambassadors of JAG's national network, they continue to build on the achievements of their predecessors while paving the way for future success. Together, we celebrate their vision, talent, and drive to make a lasting impact in their communities and beyond.

Jolly Banton


Warren East HS

Lily White

VP of Western Kentucky

Bowling Green HS

Tiffany Hoskins


Magoffin County HS

Carsen Mynhier

Executive Vice President

Menifee County HS

Lauren Partin

VP of Public Relations

Lynn Camp HS

Delaney Lemaster

VP of Central Kentucky

Berea Community HS

Skylar Rife

VP of Career Development

Phelps HS

Bridgett Spears

VP of Eastern Kentucky

Prestonburg HS

Kaylee Maxie


Clay County HS

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